Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cricut Lite Cartridges

Yesterday I found a pretty good selection of the Lite cartridges on the markdown aisle at our local WalMart.

There were a few I wanted and of course I had to call Shirley, aka Okieladybug, and tell her about them and pick up the ones she wanted too!

I did pick up some extras.  Here's a list of the ones I have.  They are $20 plus $5 postage.  I can mail two cartridges for $5 if it's okay that the clear plastic clamshell is removed.  That's the only way two will fit into a Priority envelope.  I do Paypal, but be sure to contact me first since I have these on my Facebook page also and they're going pretty quick!

If you're interested in any of these,  please email me at: or message me on Facebook.  I seldom go onto the Cricut message boards any more so I probably wouldn't see a PM on there.

Unless otherwise listed, I only have one of each cartridge.

Live Simply---SOLD
Celebrate with a Flourish---SOLD
Cherry Limeade---SOLD
(2) Cupcake Wrapper--SOLD
Feeling Groovy ---SOLD
Lovely Floral---SOLD
Meow --SOLD
Slumber Party ---SOLD
Varsity Letter---SOLD

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