Sunday, May 17, 2015

Starfish and Seahorse Card -- And Time To Move On

Now that Operation Write Home has announced they'll no longer be accepting donations of cards effective August 1, 2015, I'm having to re-think my card making efforts.

It seems futile to just accumulate a huge supply of cards but I have so many supplies that need to be used up!

I'm seriously considering putting away my paper crafting supplies and going back to other hobbies that I've enjoyed in the past.  And, if I cannot find an outlet for my cards, that's what I'll do.

Making cards has been my primary focus for so long that it's going to be quite a change for me.

I will be making inquiries locally to see if any of the nursing homes or local charity groups might be interested in receiving some cards but have decided that I will no longer devote my crafting time exclusively to paper crafting.  It's been great fun to participate in the OWH effort.  Through making cards I've met a lot of new friends and pushed myself to learn new techniques.

My blog will be changing as I will now post more recipes and perhaps photos of my other creations.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I for one will miss your card making quite a lot. We still have troops all over the world, so it's sad to me that the Operation Write Home will be over.
    I know I make cards for nursing home residents and it should be easy to find a local home who would use them.
