Thursday, June 29, 2017

Hummus - 6 Smart Points

Over the years, I've tasted Hummus several times and always found it to be awful.  This recipe is one that I will actually eat--and enjoy.  Perhaps the reason I've never cared for commercially prepared Hummus is the tahini paste in it.  This recipe does not contain any oil or tahini paste.  It is fat free as well as vegan.

I'm becoming very interested in the idea of a whole food plant based diet.  Watching several documentaries about our food sources, government interference in food production, the impact on the environment of raising food animals, and the health benefits of not consuming any animal flesh makes the idea of the plant based diet seem very appealing.

Giving up all meat, including fish and poultry, all dairy products and eggs isn't something that I'm ready to do at this time.  But, I am adding more and more vegetables, grains, and legumes into our meals and one day I may find myself ready to totally switch to the whole food plant based diet.

Makes 3 1/2 cups
6 Smart Points per cup

2 cans chickpeas, drained
2 large cloves garlic
1 T. lemon juice
1 ½ tsp. ground cumin
1/3 cup vegetable broth
Salt to taste

Combine ingredients in food processor and process
into a smooth paste.

 3 1/2 cups chickpeas = 21 Smart Points

I added 2 finely diced fresh jalapeno peppers.  Cilantro would be a good addition also.  The garlic cloves I used were quite large so you may need to use more than two. 

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