Sunday, May 28, 2017

Stove Top Pizza Crust -- 8 Smart Points

When I purchased my Cuisinart food processor it came with a really nice stainless steel griddle and a a recipe booklet.  This is from that booklet.

I calculated the Smart Points for the crust only.  Use your favorite sauce and toppings and total up the points for those items.  Divide that total by the number of slices you cut and add it to the points for the crust.

Cauliflower crusts seem to be popular right now but I'd prefer to use the real thing and count the points!

The griddle I use is 12" in diameter and the pizza gets cut into 8 slices.  You could use any non-stick skillet or cast iron skillet.

Makes a 12” crust – 25 Smart Points
Cut into 8 slices – 4 Smart Points per slice

1 package active dry yeast
1 tsp. sugar
1/2 cup warm water
1 2/3 cups all purpose flour
3/5 tsp. salt
1 T. olive oil
Stir the yeast and sugar in warm water to dissolve them.
Use the metal blade of your food processor to process the flour, salt, olive oil and yeast mixture about 60 seconds.

Preheat griddle on stove top.

Roll dough out to fit griddle.  Spray griddle with Pam.  Place dough on preheated griddle.  Set timer for 8 minutes.  Let the crust cook for 1 minute then cover it with your choice of sauces and toppings.

Calculate points for toppings used and divide by 8.  Add the 4 points for the crust to get the points total per slice.

I make my own pizza sauce that's zero points.

1 - 8 oz. can tomato sauce
garlic powder
salt and pepper

Mix well in a microwave safe container.  Heat about a minute.

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