Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Italian Chicken And Rice -- 7 Smart Points

This is something I came up with years ago while on the Weight Watcher program.  We didn't count points, just measured the quantities. 

The total points for the two servings is 13 so I rounded it up to 7 points per serving.


6 oz. cooked shredded chicken breast
4 stalks celery, chopped
¼ cup chopped onion
½ bell pepper, diced
¾ cup uncooked Minute Rice
¾ cup water
16 oz. can stewed tomatoes
Pinch of oregano
Pinch of paprika
Dash of garlic powder
½ tsp. Worcestershire sauce

In a non-stick skillet, cook celery, onion and bell pepper in a small amount of water until almost done.  Add spices, tomatoes and ¾ cup of water.  Simmer until vegetables are tender.  Add rice and chicken.  Simmer until rice is fluffy.
Makes 2 large servings.

Smart Points
Chicken                4
Minute Rice          9

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