Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sirloin Stir Fry With Tuscan Vegetables

We live in beef country and I enjoy pasta just about any way you can prepare it.  A couple of months ago I re-joined Weight Watchers so I've been experimenting with recipes to find things that fit into my daily points allowance and that DH will enjoy.

I had planned to grill steaks for dinner this evening but decided to do something a little different.  This turned out really well and DH said it was good so it's going into my recipe file! Start to finish, it takes about 15 minutes to prepare.

Stir Fry Sirloin With Tuscan Vegetables     
2 servings -- 12 Smart Points (as prepared)
***you can easily lower the points by using less meat or no oil to stir fry****

12 oz. sirloin, cut into thin strips
Garlic powder, salt and pepper
1 T. vegetable oil
1 package PictSweet Farms Italian Vegetables

Dust sirloin strips with garlic powder, salt and pepper to taste.
Cook vegetables in microwave following package instructions for 4 minutes.
Remove from microwave and set aside while stir frying the sirloin strips in oil. 
Add vegetable mixture to meat and cook until meat is done and vegetables are tender.
Sirloin            12 Smart Points
Oil                    4 Smart Points
Vegetables       7 Smart Points

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