Sunday, October 30, 2016

Meatball Pie With Biscuit Topping - 11 Smart Points


12 oz lean ground beef
¼ cup chopped onion
1 tsp. dried parsley
6 T.  Daisy light sour cream
1 can Cream of Celery soup
3 carrots, sliced and cooked until tender - reserve cooking liquid
6 oz. diced potatoes, cooked until tender and drained
1 can Shurfine Jumbo Buttermilk biscuits

Heat oven to 450°.  Mix beef, onion, parsley, 3 T. of the sour cream, salt and pepper.  Shape into 1” meatballs.  Place in a shallow pan and bake for 8-12 minutes.  Remove from pan and place meatballs into a 2 quart casserole dish.  Mix remaining sour cream, soup, carrots with juice and potatoes.  Pour over meatballs.  Cut two biscuits into 4 pieces each and place on top of meatball mixture.  Bake 15-20 minutes. 

Serves 4  -  11 Smart Points per serving

You can lower the Smart Points by using smaller biscuits.  The Shurfine ones I used were 7 points each! 
This is very filling and the servings are large.

You can also use canned carrots and potatoes to speed up prep time.

Ground beef                   12 Smart Points
Light sour cream             6 Smart Points
Cream of Celery soup     7.5 Smart Points
Carrots                            0 Smart Points
Potato                              6 Smart Points

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