Sunday, February 21, 2016

Prismacolor Pencils Coloring

I'd almost forgotten that I had purchased some Prismacolor pencils a few years back.  It was when I first began card making and before experimenting with water based and alcohol based markers.

At the time, the "in" thing was to use mineral spirits and either Q-tips or blender stumps to shade images.  Once I was introduced to Promarkers, the pencils got put away and forgotten.

There was a short video posted on Facebook recently with instructions on using colored pencils to shade stamped images that already had the shadows incorporated in the image. I decided to give it a try.

It's been several weeks since any cards have been made around here.  It's the middle of tax season and I put in some long hours until it ends.  Most days by the time I get home from the office I'm too tired to even think about doing any crafting!

Using the pencils adds just enough color to the image to make it stand out.  I used a Strathmore toned gray sketch book for the base and mounted it onto some Bazzil gray cardstock.

I like the effect the pencils give to the image.  It's more delicate than using a marker and takes only a few seconds to complete.

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