Monday, May 18, 2015

Tried Another New Recipe--Cilantro Cream Chicken

Pinterest gets me into more trouble!  Every time I go there I wind up pinning numerous recipes to experiment with.  Tonight I made Cilantro Cream Chicken.  It's simple to make and, in my opinion, really good.  DH, however, said he "could" eat it again which is Fred-speak for "I really don't like it and don't make it any more."

I used a Smart Chicken breast cut into large cubes. One small red onion and 3/4 of a red pepper cut into narrow strips.

The recipe would make enough to feed at least 6 people so it had to be cut down for just the two of us.

The sauce is unusual looking but quite tasty when you combine it with the chicken, vegetables and rice.

The recipe does not call for salt or pepper but you should add it to your taste.  The sauce tasted really flat until I added salt.


    1 & 1/4 pounds chicken tenderloins
    1 cup Italian dressing
     juice from 1 small lime
    1 bunch cilantro, roughly chopped
    1/4 cup sour cream
    1 red onion, sliced
    1 red bell pepper, sliced

 Combine the Italian dressing, lime juice & about 2 tablespoons of the cilantro.

 Reserve 1/4 cup of the mix to use as garnish on finished dish.

Place vegetables and chicken in separate containers and divide the marinade between the two containers.

 Turn the chicken to coat & marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour up to overnight.

 Add the remaining cilantro to the reserved 1/4 cup of marinade & combine with the 1/4 cup of sour cream. I gave mine a quick blend in my food processor. Chill until ready to serve.

Heat a large skillet over medium to medium high heat. Remove the chicken & vegetables from the marinade, discard the remaining marinade.

 Saute chicken until the chicken is no longer pink & juices run clear. Add the vegetables to the chicken after the first few minutes and cook until the vegetables are tender.

Serve the chicken & veggies over rice & topped with the Cilantro Cream Sauce.

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