Saturday, February 21, 2015

Tax Season 2015

Since I closed my business almost five years ago I've spent my time doing things I want to do when I want to do them.  Most of my days have been spent making cards for Operation Write Home and spending time with the light of my life, Cooper, our three year old grandson.

It occurred to me that being at home and not around people was the main thing I missed most since retiring.  Since I've done accounting and tax work for over 40 years and had worked for H & R Block in the past, I decided to work during the 2015 tax season.

In order to become up to date with all the new tax laws and changes I spent about two months taking online courses and tests and began working in the local office in January.

Going from doing virtually nothing all day to working 8-9 hours a day has been quite a change.  There is a great group of people in the office and the owner is a good man to work for so it's been fun although tiring.

Tax season is winding down now and I'm looking forward to getting back into my "no routine".  It's been a pleasure to work with my co-workers and I've enjoyed the challenge but I'm ready to get back into spending my days being retired, again!

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