Saturday, November 1, 2014

30 Minute Card - C'est la vie

While searching through my "Ideas" folder this morning, I saw a card made with Graphic 45 Curtain Call papers.  Realizing that I have a huge amount of that Graphic 45 paper, I was inspired to get some of it out and use it up!

This made me realize that I haven't bought a single sheet of paper or cardstock in months--and that I don't need to!  On the last few trips I've made into Hobby Lobby, Michael's and JoAnn's, I've come out empty handed because they've had nothing on the shelves that interested me.  The quality of the paper stacks at Hobby Lobby and JoAnn's has gotten so poor that I no longer purchase those.  The paper will cut fine with scissors or a rotary cutter, but doesn't cut cleanly using a Cameo.

The papers I used for this card are Curtain Call and Glimpse of Paris.  Using, MTC software I traced a postage stamp image and cut it to fit the Eiffel Tower image.  I printed the sentiment and mounted it on punched circles.  The postage stamp is from the same sheet as the Eiffel Tower.

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