Friday, March 25, 2011

Punch Bunny

The internet is such a great source of ideas to try out!  Last night while checking out some different blogs, I ran across this simple little bunny.

All you need is an 1 3/4" circle punch, a 1/2" circle punch, and two sizes of ovals to make the body parts.  You can use a regular hole punch to do the black circles for the eyes and the pink for the nose. 

Just add a little shading around each of the white pieces, some dots on the eyes and cheeks, and lines for whiskers and toes and you're done. You can give him a little "attitude" by folding down one of his ears about half way if you want.

These little guys can multiply quickly if you need a lot of them for your grandchildren or Sunday school class, too!

Since the George cartridge has these basic shapes on it, you could make a bunch of bunnies in no time with your Expression.

Here's what you'll cut using George:
     2 circles 1.75 inches
     2 circles .5 inches for cheeks
     4 ovals 1.75 x 1.375 inches for foot pads
     4 ovals 1.375 x 2 inches for feet and ears

     hole punch circles for eyes and nose


  1. This is just tooooo adorable! I am going to make some. Thank you for the recipe.

  2. ADORABLE! Cutie pie! Thanks for the measurements for the Expression, I may make some for the Easter Egg hunt we always host here!

  3. Linda, thanks for sharing your bunny, hes soooo cute!

  4. Oh my gosh that is super cute! I told my DH when I first got my baby bug that all I would need was the George cart it came with. You're proving me right! Of course, I have since acquired another 25 or so carts. LOL
